Monday, March 14, 2011

Chicago Donate Blood Plasma

World Book and Copyright Day 2011

traditionally celebrated on April 23 World Book and Copyright Day. It is an annual festival organized by UNESCO to promote reading, publishing and the protection of intellectual property by copyright. Day was first celebrated in 1995 year.
Every year on this day libraries and publishers are organizing various stocks, to you-the readers, to please, and recall, especially those hectic and busy that the book is the perfect relaxation.
this year April 23 falls on Holy Saturday. Polish Association of Book Publishers urged to move the action on April 27 .
I support:)

The sprawiania fun and all my Zaścianeczkom readers who they want, I have a little surprise:
anyone who does not already own the original, specially for my novel printed bookmarks (you can not get it anywhere, even from the publisher-it's my private gift ever added to the books autographed) can receive several free copies for yourself and friends.
tab is properly Archival:) - on the other hand is still an old blog address, printed only 1,000 copies, and most had already been distributed at meetings and promotions.
How to get the tabs? - Please write the declaration of priva , indicating in the subject-TAB, to April 20. The email I will return accurate information.
Yours sincerely

PostScript 7 Apr: I am sorry to inform you that the supply of bookmarks for the shipment was already over. People who have come forward, but not yet received the shipment, they should let me know, because it's probably a problem with the mail.
Thank you for your emails. I did not expect such an interest, thank you also to libraries, both public and school-I hope that readers will be satisfied with these things.


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