Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bible Words For Hiuse Warming In The Top

waiting for spring

The days are getting longer. But the days of very cold. I would like to have a warm shed clothes. Get rid of the cold. Dygotania avoid the arms and legs. But patience. For now, I have to cheer about katostrofie Smolensk. Topic already so trite that it hurts. But how convenient for political parties, which they can use it for campaign purposes or for the media wyborczej.Wygodny. GLASS. And so, unfortunately, is almost the whole this year. But evil in the form of paralysis station, the riots in Egypt, either flood or typhoon in Australia for example, for a moment lure our attention away from the Polish - Polish or Polish - Russian. So I'm waiting for spring. Fires my son's stroller, go for a walk, look at the sky and I'll breathe air free from hypocrisy, jealousy and disputes that are around us rozrywają.Pa


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