Anne September 19, perform during a charity concert in Rzeszów, the Wish Foundation.
National Day of Dreams Foundation is a cyclical shares I have a dream,
which is aimed at children, parents and doctors.
inspired the establishment of the Day Dream was the request of one of our
charges, Christian, who, while having the chance to fulfill their dreams
, wanted to organize a prophylactic
among their peers. Wished to emphasize the importance of
detection of cancer and increase the chances for cure colleagues.
unique dream Krystian decided to meet every year during the Day of Dreams
. As part of this festival we plan to organize
festivities and fun for children and parents, but primarily an awareness raising campaign
preventive, enabling earlier detection
childhood cancers. To this end, the doctors friendly terms
oncologists will talk to parents about child's observation of
for threats of cancer, an investigation in question
and perform blood tests, ultrasound and x-ray.
co-organizer of the Day Dream in Rzeszów is the Town Hall, which
provides us with a place on the Market, stage and sound system.
Honorary Patron of the day he became Mayor.
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